
Make-Ahead Meals coming soon!

Coming soon: New recipes (as well as a new "section" in my recipe index)- Freezer recipes! Of course, freezer recipes do require a bit of prep work (not to mention freezer space & freezer/oven-safe containers), but once they're done it's absolutely fantastic to be able to pop one in the oven & have a home cooked meal...

For a certain (and in my opinion, fairly costly!) fee, you could go stand around in a few different chain businesses' "kitchens" and put together meals with their ingredients, but if you can prep ingredients yourself, you'll save a boatload of money!

I have a few yummy make-ahead recipes already, but I've been scoping out Amazon's selection & putting those books on reserve at my library... hopefully there will be some more winners!

Look out for recipes soon!

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